Saturday, January 27, 2007

Now this is what I expected

It's -9F outside. Now that's the kind of cold I was expecting when we moved up here.

Okay, enough now. You've shown your might winter, bring on the spring.

Seriously, I look forward to going outside again without a hat.

More importantly I look forward to being able to ride my bike without 147 layers of clothing.

I need my testicles. I do not want them frozen.

I haven't had a decent ride since the day after Thanksgiving. I feel so out of shape.

I guess I should get a trainer, but it's seems like it would be no fun riding in place.

Part of getting out and riding is feeling the wind whipping at you and the scenery.

Maybe it will warm up soon.

For now, I will snuggle up with sugarmama and baby kitten, and wait for spring to come.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The blog to end all blogs

Here it is you punks!! You wanted the best, you've got the best.

I've been holding it in for so long, but I can't do it anymore.

I'm going to blog all over you ass until you exploda all over the wall.

What is it with blogs anyway? Everyone has a blog nowadays. I'm sure even Paris Hilton's frickin chihuahua even has one.

Well that's nice, but chihuahuas are the devil so who cares.

So you wanna know he real me?

Bikes...I love bikes.

Family...I love my wife and my daughter.

What else do I love?

Well, let's just come out and say it.

It's hard for me to admit it to everyone but I love....







Is there a better show on TV? This show kicks more ass that Daniel LaRusso in the All Valley Karate Tournament. Yeah, Miyago-Do Karate up in this muthaflucker.

Johnny Lawrence doesn't stand a chance when Claire, Hiro, and all the rest of those trick assed hoes go to work destroying evil.

Peace out, hallelujah, and pass the Pabst Blue Ribbon, and if I see another hipster guy wearing skin tight girl jeans, I'm going to vomit.

I'm out...