Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm just asking

If you make margaritas with lemon-lime gatorade, will you get as dehydrated?

That is what I was pondering today.

Does this mean I am hopeless, that I have nothing better to think about but shit like this?

Wait, that is another question unto itself.

Who should I vote for as president?

Does it matter?

I mean when you think about it, what does the president really do other than say stupid shit that they never follow up on (if it is something that is a good)?

Mostly what they do is fuck up, and pretend that they are actually leading us.

I'm sorry, if I am actually going to call someone my "leader", than they better make things better. Not status quo, not worse. Better.

Every candidate they parade in is just ridiculous to me. From both sides if the aisle, especially the red side.

And the blue side?

Hilary Clinton? Give me a fucking break, what has she done other than gain office on name recognition

Barack Obama? Tempting, I like him a lot, but I just have this sneaking suspicion that behind all the wonderful rhetoric is nothing.

John Edwards? A conservative stuffshirt in disguise

Get somebody real up there.

The problem with getting someone real up there as a candidate is that too many people listen to "pundits", or news media, or people like Ann Coulter (SATAN) who talk like they know everything.

Well you know what? No one knows.

The problem with most elected offices is that they are won on the "Interview" and "The resume". This is a problem, because you can have someone with an impeccable resume and incredible interview skills get a job and have absolutely now fucking idea what they are doing.

Yes, I know I am ranting, but dammit this i my forum and I'll say whatever the fuck I want.

Get me someone real, that will actually do positive things for this country before it turns to shit.

Not someone who makes laws about what you can and can't show on tv. Not someone who makes makes mandatory minimum sentences for possessing marijuana. Not someone votes themself a raise every year while millions of people in this country live below poverty level and have little access to health insurance.

I want someone who will call a spade a spade. Not what their advisors want them to say. Not what their "party" wants the to say. Not what a lot of citizens on this country may want the to say. Not what the news media wants them to say.

Some one who will tell the truth and make no bones about it. Someone with balls. We have gone without it for too long.

I could go all day but I won't. Good night.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Martin Scorsese, who I idolized in film school finally won an Academy Award this evening for Best Director for 'The Departed'. It has been a long time coming. And the cherry on top is that the film also won Best Picture.

Congrats Marty. We love you!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lots of subjects to cover

Finally....after the months and months of planning, programming, testing, training, and conversions, the JDE migration GoLive is finally here.

I really didn't have much to do with it until I got the position up here, and then suddenly it's "Hello, you are responsible for most of the users in the whole site". No problem, but tell me what you need me to do, what I can do (as far as what testing functions are available in CRP), and let me get it done.

Of course, not everything was made known until the last week. I guess we'll find out Monday.

Shipping will not be that much affected as manufacturing. Some of the users do not seem to be comfortable with the process as it was, much less now.

Not that anyone reading this (if anyone is reading it other than Cynthia even cares).

The SuperBowl is tomorrow and the Colts better win, because not only will I be sad if they lose, but of course baby Jesus will cry.

Don't let me down Peyton, or we'll have to bring Tee Martin in again to do what you could not :)

And let's talk about Desmina. I think she is part goat (which is okay because I like goats and all). The child can frickin eat. I think she may be the next Takeru Kobayashi (the Japanese competitive eating champion. She ate dinner, then she ate peanut butter crackers, now she's eating a bagel.....IT'S INSANE. By the time she's a teenager I'm going to have to cash out my 401K just to cover the groceries. Hopefully baby #2 isn't the same way or we're really in trouble :)

In other news, the story from Texas this week is that unfortunately my older sister Jenny was diagnosed with stage 2 uterine cancer :( She is going to have surgery to remove all the standard affected areas, and if the lymph glands are affected she will probably need chemo. She has a good prognosis from what I understand. Given her young age, I think she has a good chance.

Our wonderful former neighbor Cendei fought off stage 3 last year, and so I am not getting too down about it because Jenny is a fighter, always has been. She is strong willed and I know she can do it. Love you sis!!

That's about it. I miss riding my bikes, but I think the tides are turning weather wise. I think I may have found a nice criterium style loop right in my own backyard so to speak. We have a road around the whole facility at work which is the truck route. Nice smooth pavement. I may see if the company is okay with me riding the loop at lunchtime once the weather warms up. It will be much better than trying to get on the regular roads at lunch time.

Until next time, keep your shirt on.....unless you are Cynthia, in whic case...take it off :)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Now this is what I expected

It's -9F outside. Now that's the kind of cold I was expecting when we moved up here.

Okay, enough now. You've shown your might winter, bring on the spring.

Seriously, I look forward to going outside again without a hat.

More importantly I look forward to being able to ride my bike without 147 layers of clothing.

I need my testicles. I do not want them frozen.

I haven't had a decent ride since the day after Thanksgiving. I feel so out of shape.

I guess I should get a trainer, but it's seems like it would be no fun riding in place.

Part of getting out and riding is feeling the wind whipping at you and the scenery.

Maybe it will warm up soon.

For now, I will snuggle up with sugarmama and baby kitten, and wait for spring to come.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The blog to end all blogs

Here it is you punks!! You wanted the best, you've got the best.

I've been holding it in for so long, but I can't do it anymore.

I'm going to blog all over you ass until you exploda all over the wall.

What is it with blogs anyway? Everyone has a blog nowadays. I'm sure even Paris Hilton's frickin chihuahua even has one.

Well that's nice, but chihuahuas are the devil so who cares.

So you wanna know he real me?

Bikes...I love bikes.

Family...I love my wife and my daughter.

What else do I love?

Well, let's just come out and say it.

It's hard for me to admit it to everyone but I love....







Is there a better show on TV? This show kicks more ass that Daniel LaRusso in the All Valley Karate Tournament. Yeah, Miyago-Do Karate up in this muthaflucker.

Johnny Lawrence doesn't stand a chance when Claire, Hiro, and all the rest of those trick assed hoes go to work destroying evil.

Peace out, hallelujah, and pass the Pabst Blue Ribbon, and if I see another hipster guy wearing skin tight girl jeans, I'm going to vomit.

I'm out...